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Questões de inglês

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(PucmOutros997) At the moment, Glenda Jackson

a) is deeply involved in politics b) is a religious celebrity c) works for a TV program d) works for the Guardian e) hopes to get a job in television


(PucmOutros997) Glenda Jackson

a) became famous for her work with the poor b) rose to fame as the best politician in England c) won a famous prize twice in her acting career d) won fame as the youngest actress on screen e) won first place in a music competition


(PucmOutros997) Glenda Jackson left the movie career

a) in the beginning of 1972 b) more than six years ago c) after being re-elected d) about four years ago e) soon after winning a prize


(PucmOutros997) In the House of Commons, Glenda Jackson

a) is the Labour Party s spokesperson on education b) speaks for the best educated working-class people c) writes political reports on the working-class issues d) represents the richest and most powerful class e) represents the class that she was born in


(PucmOutros997) Glenda Jackson s movie career

a) began when she was 27 years old b) lasted for more than two decades c) finished when she received a prize d) came to an end because she was ill e) extended over a six-month period


(PucmOutros997) Glenda Jackson declared to a newspaper that

a) she was fighting for the unemployed on the stage b) she wanted to be an actress ever since she saw the Queen c) she used to feel very uncomfortable on the stage d) she is trying to revive the British film industry e) she felt all the more determined to go on the stage


(PucmOutros997) Glenda Jackson says that

a) during the time she was performing she was fearless b) as she continued acting the fear became greater c) while she was performing on the stage she felt tired d) as a matter of principle she is fearless all the time e) her fear became greater because she was brave


(PucmOutros997) Glenda Jackson s father

a) built walls and buildings b) built the House of Commons c) built his daughter s house d) wanted to build a theater e) helped to build the London Tube


(PucmOutros997) Glenda Jackson s party

a) wants to run the London Tube for their own profit b) is against selling the Tube to a private company c) fights for an economic system within social groups d) wants all the services be paid for by the government e) wants the industries to attract private investors


(PucmOutros997) Criminologists say that people kept in jail for a long time

a) improve their abilities in many ways b) change their behavior for the better c) become sadder and sadder d) will succeed if they try hard e) get more and more anxious


(PucmOutros997) The sentence, "Perversion s fires cool." means that

a) strong unacceptable emotions become weaker b) human emotions make you feel always happy c) an emotional person has strong feelings d) people become emotional at particular times e) emotion always brings a tear to the eye


(PucmOutros997) The sentence, "Youth s passions dim." means that

a) passions suddenly arouse b) young people are full of emotion c) passions are immediately aroused d) people feel strong emotions sometimes e) passions are no longer so powerful


(PucmOutros997) When the police officer arrived at the door, he

a) started crying b) grew impatient c) got a shock d) went red e) got nervous


(PucmOutros997) The sentence "They framed me the first time." means that they

a) made him feel sorry for what he had done b) made him seem guilty of a crime c) admitted that he was wrong d) found him responsible for the robbery e) denied that he was guilty of a crime


(PucmOutros997) The judge who sentenced Singleton

a) would do anything to know the real story b) was anxious for someone to recognize him c) was unable to understand the whole story d) wished Singleton would never be released e) hoped Singleton would write about his crimes


(PucmOutros997) Singleton raped Mary Vincent twice

a) after having strong alcoholic drinks b) soon after he was arrested c) while she was driving to San Francisco d) when she was on her way to school e) after having chased her in a street


(PucmOutros997) After chopping off her arms, Singleton thought that Mary Vincent would

a) run b) scream c) die d) faint e) cry


(PucmOutros997) At the time she was raped, Mary Vincent was

a) a small child b) a university student c) no longer young d) in her teens e) over twenty


(PucmOutros997) Knippenberg

a) represented Bangkok in the Netherlands b) wanted to represent Sobhraj in the Netherlands c) officially represented Sobhrai in Bangkok d) represented an organization in Holland e) represented the Netherlands in Bangkok


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