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Questões de inglês

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(Uflavras1997) According to the text, in the town of Hamelin, appeared

a) a great number of pipes b) a lot of rats c) many children dressing colored clothes d) some people playing a strange music e) a certain number of strange animals


(Uflavras1997) A strange man appeared and offered

a) to play the pipe for some days b) to do a little work in the town c) to explain the people how to get rid of the little animals d) to get rid the village of that number of rats at a high price. e) to take out his flute and play a music again


(Uflavras1997) What happened when the people of Hamelin refused to pay the piper for his work?

a) The little animals returned immediately. b) They tried to get rid the man without success. c) The man began to play his pipe gladly. d) The piper just returned to his place. e) The piper played another strange music and took the children out of the town forever.


(Uflavras1997) The people of Hamelin refused to pay the piper because they

a) weren t worried about rats b) declared that his music was very strange c) thought the piper s price was too high for such a little work d) didn t have any money e) thought his work wasn t successful


(Uflavras1997) The probable origin of this story is

a) the historical fact involving a very great number of young boys, the Crusaders. b) the custom of visits of musicians to villages many centuries ago. c) the people s love for music. d) the problem with animals in the town of Hamelin. e) the people s fear of rats.


(Uflavras2000) It can be inferred from the passage that coffee grows well

a) in the northern hemisphere. b) in mountainous regions. c) in small countries. d) near the Pacific Ocean. e) from the Pacific Ocean.


(Uflavras2000) Look at the word "those" in the passage "This mountainous country is ideally suited for coffee production, and its exports surpass those of much larger countries." Which word or phrase does it refer to?

a) Guatemala. b) Exports. c) Coffee business. d) Coffee production. e) Much larger countries.


(Uflavras2000) The following sentence can be added to the passage: "Before World War II, Germany bought more than half the annual Guatemalan coffee crop." Where would it best fit in the passage?

a) Before the word "European". b) Before the word "Guatemala". c) After "1875". d) After the word "England". e) After the word mountainous.


(Uflavras2000) Jazz is a restless music, and its best practicioners have adhered to Ezra Pound s philosophy to "make it new" with particular intensity, sometimes to ill effect. As one might expect in such an explosive environment, there have been plenty of fads, false theories, and dead ends. The tension between the urge to make it new and the awareness of possible dead ends creates an atmosphere of controversy over what jazz is or should be (Source: Delta s key to the TOEFL test by Nancy Gallagher) With what topic is the paragraph mainly concerned?

a) Ezra Pound s philosophy. b) Fads and false theories of jazz. c) Controversial jazz recordings. d) The struggle over innovation in jazz. e) The restlessness of jazz.


(Uflavras2000) What is the main idea of the paragraph?

a) Radio was the newest technology during World War I. b) The radios and field telephones used during World War I were primitive. c) Radio has improved greatly since World War I. d) Like field telephones radios used during World War I were primitive. e) Radio was more advantageous than field telephones during World War I.


(Uflavras2000) We can infer from the paragraph that:

a) Telephone lines could stop the radio signals. b) Telephone lines could be stopped by invisible signals. c) Telephone lines, like radios, could be stopped by artillery fires. d) Telephone lines could not be stopped by invisible signals. e) Telephone lines could be stopped by artillery fires.


(Uflavras2000) Which phrase from the text describes how good milk is?

a) ... easily digested by most humans ... b) ... the first food for babies ... c) ... the most nearly perfect ... d) ... other dairy foods ... e) ... usually the best food for all young mammals...


(Uflavras2000) Milk is used to make all of these things, EXCEPT

a) cheese. b) ice cream. c) butter. d) protein. e) yogurt.


(Uflavras2000) According to the text, the milk that people in the United States drink comes from

a) farm animals b) wild animals c) big cities d) yaks and water buffaloes e) horses


(Uflavras2000) Which of these would be best for an adult?

a) High-fat milk. b) Ice cream. c) Butter. d) Regular milk. e) Low-fat milk.


(Uflavras2000) Milk is the most nearly perfect food, although

a) it is low fat. b) it contains a lot of animal fat. c) its ingredients are found nowhere else in nature. d) animals that produce it feed their babies with it. e) it contains calcium, phosphorous, and protein.


(Uflavras2000) What is a word from the text that means "something made from other things"?

a) Ingredient. b) Product. c) Dairy. d) Component. e) Vitamin.


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