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Questões de inglês

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(Ufv-pases2000) According to the text, one of the main attractions at the Centennial Exposition was:

a) the city of Philadelphia. b) Thomas Watson. c) The thousands of visitors. d) Bell s talking machine. e) Don Pedro.


(Ufv-pases2000) In the sentence "Thousands of visitors (...) were surprised when they SAW and HEARD this invention" (par. 5), the capital verbs are the past tenses of:

a) save and hide. b) say and hate. c) sit and have. d) sing and hum. e) see and hear.


(Ufv-pases2000) Choose the best option to complete the sentence: "Bell used electricity to send the human voice __________ one place __________ another."

a) on - in. b) from - to c) in - to d) at - to e) above - below


(Ufv-pases2000) Complete the sentence with the appropriate relative pronoun: "Don Pedro, __________ was one of the visitors, was also very impressed with Bell s invention."

a) who b) whose c) when d) where e) which


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