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Questões de inglês

Tópicos de Inglês (não classificadas)

(Unesp1994) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna. The__________uncle was dead.

a) writer. b) writers. c) writer of. d) writer s. e) writers of the.


(Unesp1994) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna. Something is cooking__________the oven.

a) up. b) to. c) in. d) into. e) for.


(Ita1995) Without Fear of Be Happy (Sem medo de ser feliz) é o título, em inglês que um periódico paulista atribuiu ao livro do jornalista americano Ken Silverstein sobre a campanha de Lula à Presidência da República em 1989. Examinando o título, você diria que:

a) Está estruturalmente correto. b) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of Been Happy" c) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of to Be Happy" d) Deveria ser: "Without Fear of Being Happy" e) Deveria ser: "Without Fear to Be Happy"


(Ita1995) A preposição que deve acompanhar o verbo "rely", relacionado no texto, é:

a) at b) on c) in d) for e) with


(Ita1995) A lacuna (I) deve ser preenchida por:

a) find. b) to find. c) finding. d) to finding. e) found.


(Ita1995) A preposição que preenche a lacuna I corretamente é:

a) by. b) for. c) over. d) through. e) with.


(Fuvest1992) Reescreva na voz ativa ou passiva, conforme o caso:

a) His work has catalyzed revolutions.

b) The world s tribes are being absorbed into modern civilization.

resposta:a) Revolutions have been catalyzed by his work.
b) Modern civilization is absorbing the world s tribes.

(Fuvest1993) Reescreva na voz passiva:

a) Such revelations underscore the Amazon basins biological richness.

b) Turrell s work is asking you to question the very nature of materiality.

resposta:a) The Amazon basins biological richness are underscored by such revelations.
b) You are being asked byTurrell s work to questions the very nature of materiality.

(Unesp1993) Assinale a alternativa correta. He walked __________ the room.

a) at b) on c) between d) into e) among


(Unitau1995) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma ativa da frase a seguir: A detailed description [..] is given.

a) The authors give a detailed description. b) The authors will give a detailed description. c) The authors have given a detailed description. d) The authors gave a detailed description. e) The authors will have given a detailed description.


(Unitau1995) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à voz passiva da frase a seguir: Future generations may regard the scientific indictment of smoking as [...]

a) Future generations will be regarded by the scientific indictment of smoking as [...] b) The scientific indictment of smoking has been regarded by future generations as [...] c) The scientific indictment of smoking may be regarded by future generations as [...] d) The scientific future generations may be regard by smoking as [...] e) Future generations of smoking will be regarded by the indictment as [...]


(Unitau1995) De acordo com o texto assinale a alternativa que corresponde à voz ativa da sentença a seguir: The 1994 cup was hosted by the United States.

a) The United States hosted the 1994 Cup. b) The United States will host the 1994 Cup. c) The United States have hosted the 1994 Cup. d) The United States had hosted the 1994 Cup. e) The United States will have hosted the 1994 Cup.


(Unitau1995) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à seqüência de "question-tags" adequados para completar as frases a seguir: 1. He isn t at home,___________? 2. That will happen,___________? 3. She hasn t a cue,___________? 4. It rains a lot,_______________?

a) isn t; won t; has he; doesn t it b) is it; will it; does she; has it c) isn t he; will it; has she; hasn t it d) is he; won t it; has she; doesn t it e) isn t he; won t he; has she; does it


(Unitau1995) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma passiva da sentença a seguir: We encourage the kids to go swimming.

a) The kids were encouraged to go swimming. b) The kids have been encouraged to go swimming. c) The kids will be encouraged to go swimming. d) The kids may be encouraged to go swimming. e) The kids are encouraged to go swimming.


(Unesp1995) Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna da frase a seguir corretamente I read a chapter________ politics.

a) on b) at c) above d) before e) after


(Fuvest1991) Reescreva na voz passiva:

a) Trees trap and re-evaporate moisture
b) They could point out slips or omission

resposta:a) Moisture is trapped and re-evaporated by trees.
b) Slips or omission could be pointed.

(Fuvest1990) Escreva uma frase equivalente na voz passiva, mantendo o sentido original, mas fazendo as alterações formais necessárias.

a) Popular accounts sometimes call pandas "bamboo eating machines."
b) The earth loses its chief characteristic.

resposta:a) Pandas are called "bambooo eating machines by popular accounts.
b) The chief characteristic is lose by the earth.

(Fuvest1996) Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna (I):

a) sold b) selling c) sell d) to sell e) have sold


(Cesgranrio1995) "The program Dr. Black is working.......... his colleagues........... the department........ psychiatry will build on a pioneering study done...........1989. Mark the item which contains the prepositions that complete the passage above:

a) with, of, about, in b) with, on, from, in c) with, in, of, in d) without, at, by, on e) without, from, after, on


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