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(Ime1996) Traduza o texto a seguir


There is a folk tale about three tired and hungry soldiers on their way home (Brown, 1947). As they approached a village, the peasants who feared strangers hid all the food they had so they would not have to share it with the soldiers. Prior experience had told them that soldiers were always hungry and tired. When they arrived in the village, the soldier asked everyone they met for something to eat. The answer was always that no food was available either because of a poor harvest, or too many hungry children, or the need to save the grain for seed. The soldiers then decided to try another approach. They stood in the center of the village and loudly announced that since everyone in the village was hungry, they would just have to make some stone soup so that everyone could be fed. With the villagers help they started a fire, put water on the boil in a very large pot, and added three nice stones. Being curious, and a bit hungry themselves by this point, the villagers gathered around to watch. After the water simmered for a while, one of the soldiers commented that it was too bad there wasn t any salt and pepper, because store soup was so much better with a little seasoning. Of course, someone produced a little salt and pepper. Then they discussed how it would feed so many more people if there were only a few carrots to add to the soup. Soon, one of the villagers produced a few carrots. The soldiers commented on how fine the soup would be with a few potatoes, and another villager suddenly found several potatoes. This process continued until a soup filled with vegetables and barley was cooked, then everyone in the village shared bowls of stone soup, and much of the other food they had stashed away.

to simmer - ferver lentamente
stashed - escondido

(Ime1996) In the opinion of the author of this passage, in 1825

a) only Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Pennsylvania could truly be called universities. b) all American educational institutions could justifiably claim to be universities. c) those institutions which called themselves universities were not justified in doing so. d) those institutions which called themselves universities were justified in doing so. e) no American institution of higher education had any of necessary ingredients of a university.


(Ime1996) Thomas Jefferson founded

a) the University of Pennsylvania. b) Harvard. c) the University of Virginia. d) the University of Georgia. e) the University of North Carolina.


(Ime1996) The Civil War ended

a) about 1866. b) about 1876. c) about 1856. d) during the decade from 1966 to 1876. e) exactly in 1876.


(Ime1996) The words "little clusters" most nearly mean

a) small colleges. b) small buildings. c) small organizations. d) small courses. e) small groups.


(Ime1996) The University idea really began to develop

a) in the first quarter of the nineteenth century. b) just after the Revolution. c) during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. d) just after the Civil War. e) just before the Civil War.


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