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Questões de inglês

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(Uece1996) What reference does the writer make to garden in connection with the innumerable houses ?

a) That there was too much of it b) That there was a little garden on the north side c) That all the houses had little gardens d) That there was hardly any


(Uece1996) What was mainly wrong with the houses she saw?

a) Some were in bad repair b) Some were ugly inside c) Some would be very expensive to buy d) She was not allowed to get into them


(Uece1996) The writer did not want to share her home with a ghost because...

a) ghosts were invisible b) ghosts did not like the living c) ghosts are always intolerable with the living d) ghosts can be unpleasant


(Uece1996) The woman found what she wanted...

a) the following week b) on the fifth afternoon c) on the fiftieth day d) on the morning of the fifth day


(Uece1996) The house with hedge...

a) was much more than a hundred and fifty years old b) was painted white c) did not look neglected d) looked abandoned


(Uece1996) When she walked around the house she discovered that...

a) there were sunshine only part of the day b) there were windows only on the north side c) there were windows on three sides d) there were windows on all sides


(Uece1996) The woman lingered in each room because...

a) she was making a mental picture b) she did not want to leave c) the view was breathtakingly beautiful d) she wanted her husband to see them


(Uece1996) One (end of 1st. paragraph) refers to the word...

a) spirit b) ghosts c) companion d) home


(Uece1996) To go on ( 2nd. paragraph) is the same as...

a) to continue b) to go over c) to happen d) to go much on


(Uece1996) By There was a thick hedge by the road and as the house was set well back... (3rd paragraph) we understand that...

a) the house was very near that road b) the house was at the roadside c) the house was away from the road d) the house was on the edge of the road


(Uece1996) A trifle (3rd. paragraph) means...

a) a little b) too much c) too large d) too small


(Uece1996) Choose the alternative that does NOT have a meaning similar to breathtakingly beautiful (4th. paragraph):

a) exquisitely beautiful b) stunningly beautiful c) ravishing beautiful d) drably beautiful


(Uece1996) I lingered in each room... (4th. paragraph) means that...

a) she just passed by each room b) she did not stay for too long in each room c) she took a long time to leave each room d) she organized each room


(Uece1996) Inviting (3rd. paragraph) is...

a) an adverb b) an adjective c) a gerund d) a verb in the Present Continuous Tense


(Uece1996) By The garden was a trifle over grown, but not too large to be unmanageable... (3rd. paragraph) we understand that...

a) The garden would be completely impossible to deal with b) The garden would be beyond her control c) The garden would be extremely easy to deal with d) The garden would not be too difficult to deal with


(Uece1996) Something (1st. paragraph) is...

a) a conjunction b) an adjective c) a noun d) a pronoun


(Uece1996) Because (4th. paragraph) is...

a) a pronoun b) a conduction c) a preposition d) a noun


(Uece1996) By ...woodwork was rotting (1st. paragraph) we can say that...

a) it was already being fixed b) it was decaying c) it was already repaired d) it was being change


(Uece1996) To be on bad terms (1st. paragraph) means...

a) to have a bad relationship b) to have a bad period of time c) to be in a weak physical condition d) to be friendly


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