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Questões de inglês

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(Ufla2003) The opposing force between the molecular particles inside a star is called

a) general relativity. b) infinite density. c) a singularity. d) gravity. e) the exclusion principle.


(Ufla2003) It can be concluded from paragraph 3 that light

a) originates in spacetime. b) does not exist near a black hole. c) can barely reveal a black hole. d) destroys a black hole. e) will be sucked in and reflected out of a black hole.


(Ufla2003) The phrase "the twin pillars of the economy" refers to

a) peasants. b) medicines and furniture. c) rubber and Brazil nut trees. d) ranches and farms. e) the major diforestation.


(Ufla2003) The phrase "rain forest" refers to

a) Amazon jungle. b) isolated state. c) barrier. d) chronic poverty. e) solution.


(Ufla2003) The expression "environmentaly friendly products" in paragraph 3 means

a) products that destroy the environment. b) high quality products. c) production of high demand products. d) products which are not harmful to the environment. e) products which can change the environment.


(Ufla2003) TEXT 1 When microscopes are referred to, most people think of optical microscopes. These instruments were developed principally to meet the needs of the biological sciences. However, they are not useful for the metallurgist. Scientists who need to examine metal objects or metal structures use a metallurgical microscope. The observing and illuminating systems of a metallurgical microscope are mounted in a way that allows adjustment for accomodating large or awkwardly shaped specimens. Metallurgical microscopes are equipped with devices that provide the capacity to measure an object in the X, Y and Z axes. Since metallurgical microscopes are frequently used in the field instead of in the laboratory, they may also be more durable. (Gear, Jolene & Gear, Robert - Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test - 2002 - Cambridge University Press - UK) One way in which a metallurgical microscope differs from an optical microscope is:

a) A metallurgical microscope does not allow fine - tuning for unwidely sample. b) A metallurgical microscope is more delicate. c) A metallurgical microscope has inadequate illuminating systems. d) A metallurgical microscope can measure three dimensional objects. e) A metallurgical microscope has adequate illuminating systems.


(Ufla2003) TEXT 2 Hygiene was almost unheard of in Europe during the Middle Ages. Consequently, millions of people died during various epidemics that raged throughout Europe. The worst outbreak of plague, called the Black Death, struck between the years 1347 and 1351. The populations of thousands of villages were wiped out. In fact, it is thought that about one-third of all the people in Europe perished during the Black Death. (Gear, Jolene & Gear, Robert - Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test - 2002 - Cambridge University Press - UK) The main topic of the passage is

a) the epidemics that raged throughout Europe. b) the Black Death. c) diseases in Europe. d) the years 1347 and 1351. e) hygiene during the Middle Ages in Europe.


(Ufla2003) Look at the word OVERLAP in the passage (ref. 1). Select the one best alternative which is closest in meaning to the word OVERLAP.

a) extend over. b) cancel. c) appear on. d) darken. e) come from.r


(Ufla2003) Look at the phrase EACH OTHER in the passage (ref. 2). Choose the one best alternative that EACH OTHER refers to

a) all waves. b) crests. c) their highest points. d) light bands. e) waves of light.


(Ufla2003) Look at the the word SLIT in the passage (ref. 3). Choose the one best alternative which is closest in meaning to the word SLIT.

a) darkness b) illuminated area c) screen d) hole e) light


(Ufla2003) Look at paragraph 4 and answer: what does the author mean by the statment - "a single photon appears to "know" whether one slit or two are open."

a) A single photon behaves as if other photons were causing interference. b) A single photon can predict photon and light - beam behavior. c) A single photon has the ability to think whether one slit or two are open. d) A single photon knows how the other photons will behave and alters its behavior accordingly. e) A single photon can think about how to open one or two slits.


(Ufla2004) It can be inferred from the passage that:

a) The author of the article criticized Brazil s President. b) Lula, the president, is fighting against some diseases. c) Foreign investors were worried about Lula s way of conducting Brazil. d) All foreign investors left Brazil as soon as Lula was elected. e) Lula has solved all Brazil s problems.


(Ufla2004) Check the goals of "Zero Hunger" plan.

a) Give food to the poorest people in order to supply them with daily meals. b) Give money for the poorest people to buy houses. c) Offer jobs to the homeless people. d) Build restaurants in the poorest regions of Brazil. e) Ban hunger from the world.


(Ufla2004) It can be inferred from the passage that:

a) All singers hide their reasons for singing. b) Most part of the singers want to be quiet in their bedrooms. c) Only few singers want the public s attention. d) The singers want only to sell their songs. e) There are different reasons for singers performances.


(Ufla2004) It can be inferred from the passage that:

a) Discovering the CD8 cells was a mistake. b) Not every person with HIV will have AIDS. c) The proteins found in CD8 cells can cure all diseases. d) New York s Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center found the cure for AIDS. e) All people with HIV develop AIDS.


(Ufla2004) According to the passage

a) this discovery is not important. b) all scientists believe this discovery will solve the problem of AIDS. c) this discovery may bring some advances in AIDS cure research. d) the dispute about the importance of the CD8 cells will be resolved in Court. e) the proteins found in CD8 cells have very strong vitamins.


(Ufla2004) All the words or expressions below express feelings EXCEPT

a) sorrows. b) joys. c) quiet mode. d) sell. e) disapproval.


(Ufla2006) What is the main topic of this passage?

a) The method by which one-celled organisms reproduce.
b) The method by which sex cells are formed.
c) A comparison between mitosis and meiosis.
d) Meiosis, the process by which identical cells are produced.
e) Meiosis, the process by which multicelled plants reproduce.


(Ufla2006) Directions: It can be inferred from the following statement "Most one-celled creatures reproduce by this method, as do most of the cells in multicelled plants and animals." (ref. 1), that:

a) most cells in multicelled plants and animals reproduce by mitosis.
b) 100% of one-celled creatures reproduce by meiosis.
c) 100% of one-celled creatures reproduce by mitosis.
d) one-celled creatures reproduce by the same method as do sex cells.
e) most creatures which have just one cell reproduce by meiosis.


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